Any song suggestions like this?
Best song from albums day 2:
AITA for putting some songs requests that are not "serious" for a band?
What’s Your Favorite Song That Most People Haven’t Heard?
Songs about their gf/bf moving away
Pretty obscure discussion, but which songs sound the most like a Eurovision entry?
Songs where the title and the artist combined make a sentence
(M17, Siciliano) Raga, i maranza scenderanno al Sud italia il 1 marzo. Che ne pensate?
Let's do something different, comment your favorite artist worst song and i will listen to it!
Quale siete voi?
Dovete ammettere che questo è come si dovrebbero vedere tutti i maschi [Post super serio]
Its the way!!
tally hall at harry potter store
What lesser known songs have an awesome CHORUS?
Not Your Usual First Song To Learn
Im sure its probably nothing but why does my cassette have a handwritten KIRK HAMMET?
Jar Of Flies
Album scoperto di recente
Are Rowley Jefferson’s parents the ones adding the labels to the jam tracks?
Has anyone ever counted how many times Ozzy sang "yeah" in Black Sabbath songs?
Siete qui da soli, che canzone ascoltereste?
Songs in which the lyric “Voice(s) in my Head” is used
Questo fisico è raggiungibile?
Yuri >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yuri
Fanbase così orrende che vi fanno odiare l'artista