If you know about tainted food or a disease outbreak, keep your yap shut!
Thank you for your honorable words, Ms. Pamela Hemphill.
Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years for sedition.
Bibles and Holy Water burn his foul flesh.
Last piece of a large Bavarian pretzel
Trump and his violent mobs are Nazis With Attitude.
In a nutshell.
Trump promised to cut prices, but immediately jacked up the price of vital medications for those who can least afford it - MANY OF WHOM VOTED FOR HIM! BTW, the lyric is from the Pink Floyd song "Dogs".
Trumpinator 2: Rise of the Machines.
The Pope is close to calling Trump the Antichrist, and it's only Day 2.
Dawn Wells, Mary Ann
Women offering help to poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free have no place in MAGA.
Morons voted to make us all slaves.
Marilyn Monroe
Can anyone tell me about Columbus New Mexico?
Because fuck the old people and poor people.
If you're not one or the other, you don't count.
Because Donnie Dumbass knows more than the thousands of scientists who say unregulated carbon emissions will make the climate crisis far worse than it already is.
Mexico retaliates by renaming the Bay of Campeche.
He has All the Reich Stuff.
He also had Taliban terrorists freed from prison.
Christians voted for the least Christian person in all of Creation
Even the Hamburgler was on the podium.
Thank you, Joe, for 50 honorable years of public service.
The Evil Emperor is back.