What would be your name yall ? lil failed suicide attempt for me (image totally related)
Do any of you guys suffer from brain fog? How did you fix it?
Almost no evidence that employing physician associates in NHS is safe, say Oxford researchers
Female doctors outnumber male peers in UK for first time
Getting really tired of suicidal thoughts, and I'm scared. Someone, please give me a reason to live.
Judge who signed Chagos ruling calls for UK to pay £18 trillion in slavery reparations
Scared what would happen if I told a therapist about my suicidal thoughts.
Scared what would happen if I told a therapist about my suicidal thoughts?
Anyone else struggling to take care of themselves?
Organisations that help survivors ????
I have no joy in my life anymore and I hate my life with a burning passion
Anyone with IST like this?
Anyone like this?
Does anyone else have autoimmune disorders?
What it means to be an Abuse Survivor. A personal view.
Streeting: NHS too keen to hire migrant doctors
Trusting my memories
Does anyone else feel like they were traumatised after the abuse?
Does anyone else feel like they were traumatised later in life?
Tell me why I should live.
Sexual abuse has taken everything from my life
Men who lost a significant amount of weight, what helped you / motivated you when it got hard?
Trouble with friends as a kid