A $52 Million Bid For Nunez is Reportedly Imminent (However, I doubt it)
I... Am Steve
Is mayo the secret to Yamal’s talent?
If I get sick I’m done for
Why did Jesus do that? Is he stupid?
Name A Player For Me to Draw
There may have been a misunderstanding and I may have murdered a farmer
“B-but swear too much!1!1!”
Your honour, Hamilton told me to kill that man
what is my age based on my home sceen
Drake the type of Opening Credits Christopher to smile at the camera as it interrupts him in the middle of a leisure activity.
Inspired by a post I saw here
Helluva Loss
Roses are red, the time for science
Guess my age based on my games
ask kinger anything and he'll answer honestly
More Darwin and Charlie goofiness
Yuri IRL?
Which one of us will win?
Classic Dan Salvato moment
She sent me this wtf do i do
who would win in a battle to the death? (they can use/do everything they could in this fight, even proramming stuff)
Trend time
2025? Sounds futuristic..!