My BF is agoraphobic, how do I help him?
I'm on the verge of killing myself.
social recluse of 2 years. usually never show my face online but this post is inspired by vincent-weak dude. ♡
Idk why he’s still with me. I have 0 sense of self and I’m fucking insane! :D
The way that 90% of my posts here get no response at all makes me feel like i don't have cptsd
a lil chat would be nice
I don't want to meet your girlfriend/boyfriend
anyone want to be friends?
No friends for almost 20 years (38M), please be kind. I'm tired of hiding from the world
why is everyone suicidal?
Hi would you draw me :) it’s my birthday 💕🎉
I would never hurt my child
How often do you bath/take a shower?
In one word, how does your heart feel today?
i just dont know how long i can keep going like this
I killed someone.
They are abusing my younger brother and it's so, so painful to watch. & I'm too scared to speak up. M17
I was raped by my coworker/friend’s husband last night. I can’t stop thinking about ending it all.
Horrifically sadistics homicide; the killer pulled her intestines out of her vagina and anus with his bare hands. The report uses the word "martyrdom" to describe the victim's suffering.
Feeling overstimulated by how much my husband talks
We had one date. All of this was texted over a span of a couple of days.
24 yo, wassup. lets dance. [M4A]
Any small wins this week?
Physical attractiveness outweighs intelligence in daughters’ and parents’ mate choices, even when the less attractive option is described as more intelligent.
Hikikomori Study Opportunity (read for details)