Interaction question
What got you into Kingdom Hearts?
My grandpa warming a newborn pig by furnace:).
Meteorite caught on camera!
Your Favorite Equipment/Voltron Commander?
Commander damage commanders without a focus on equipments or auras?
What Deck Are You Brewing?
Phelia exuberant Shepherd deck building question
[Phelia Exuberant Shepherd]
Question about Aragorn the uniter.
What video game quotes are burned into your brain?
So, finally I have time to play this masterpiece for the first time :) Exited af. Any advices?
My date in a Denny’s at 1am
to rob an uber
to prove that vaccines don't work
Thoughts on Baron Draxum?
What happened here?? Wrong answer only!
to crush a bullet with hammer
Drew dobers plan is to eat the shots with his face so he can safe his arms for punching
How Did you get to know Kingdom Hearts for the very first time ?
Blind people of reddit. do you do your own makeup?
Now that the dust is settled, how did everyone feel about Maz as a character?
What is the biggest misconception about the Star Wars franchise ?
The world would be 100x better without this, what is it?
If you could change one thing about Now Way Home, what would you change?