Wifi fails when playing online game
Is Phyrexian Hydra a Hydra?
Cant get paint to not look splotchy
How do I model decay rate if it’s positive?
Do cellular companies need to have coverage over my house if I have wifi?
How to find new accounts
Cody List
Final draft of a tournament list
I finished my first gaming model for Legion, Commander Rex.
also being kicked from the game for extended periods
Game kicked (??) me?
Ewok Warrior Unit and Upgrade Cards Revealed!
Newbie needing advice against tanks
Thoughts on this list? Double bounty with lots of orders
Who is echo, fives?
star wars legion plastics vs GW plastics (surprising find out for me)
New Cody List
#NotAbleToPlayCSGO Launch and gives black screen but can still hear sound
New Empire List, too many corps?
Some of my homebrew units, what do you all think? (Extra details in comment)
Missing stuff from Battle Force boxes?
Lists for newcomers
501st box questions
Objective, Deployment and Condition cards