Liforme Mat Review 💜☯️
Added acoustic panels behind TV
First in-person class at a new space
Just some pictures of random places in northeast Ohio
99 year-old WW2 pilot Mary Ellis is reunited with a Spitfire she flew during the war
A few pictures I took at Lakeview Cemetery today
The Big Bang Theory is my comfort show
How do you deal with impatience during yoga practice?
One year sober, really alone
Feeling a lot of anxiety
Shout out to Yoga With Adriene
Please provide a list of possible causes for pvcs…I am at my whits end!
Something a bit unexpected
My morning chill routine
My 6 month journey from near death to sobriety.
81 Days Today
81 Days Today.
[comp] compass pose
Newly diagnosed, questions about beverages & other things
My great aunt has done yoga almost every day for the last 50 years, she is 85 now and more flexible than me.
First alcohol free work social event
Reflecting on day 70
What sober celebrities have you heard of?
Just stop
Kentucky man’s organs were nearly harvested. Then doctors realized he was still alive