Odyssey Greek Isles, tips please
How can I keep my streak on a 5 day cruise ship?
How long is your streak??
Next up: Stephen King quotes beginning with E
It - singing roses
Dark tower video games.
Is it practical to use GUI's like Tkinter in my projects, or should I just suck it up and learn Web Dev?
Dark Tower mug all finished
Meta AI has forgotten the faces of those who made it
How would you rank the 7 DT books?
Avoir + verb ending in é
Good Men: John Farsons + JFK
i feel like jake chambers?
First Time Through, My Biggest Takeaway.
I kill with my heart
Anyone else?
What would u say are the most repeated situations/ most recurring elements in King's novels?
Hypothetical question about the ending.
So, I just finished chapter eighteen of the dark tower
Tomorrow will be the beginning of the end for me, as a begin the final book in my first read through of this amazing novel series
Thoughts on the meaning of the end? (SPOILERS)
Seeing the ka-tet in other SK stories
Eddie Dean and Larry Underwood
All the Way to the End: The Staggering Brilliance of the Interlude Chapter in Wizard and Glass
Oy! Is that you?