People are woefully unaware about how different the world will be in a few years
Looking for an Islamic Algerian name that is easy to pronounce in English.
دي اخرة اللي يمشي ورا المجتمع المتخلف بتاعنا.
"نقدر نقرا في الجزائر وأنا ما نعرفش اللهجة؟"
Islamist only won 1991 because most Algerians boycotted the elections.
Mzal kay nas ysomo hhh
What would you name this imaginary country?
Men of Reddit, what’s something you wish women understood better about men ?
What is something you're terrible at but wish you could do well ?
Photos of normal in the foreground and 9/11 unfolding in the background.
في حد اتصلي و قالي عايز اجيبهم
Name that nation
Flag of the European Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
Did they bang?
مالذي يجعل الدولة تهتم بشدة بالمؤسسات الغير ناتجة واهمال الناتجة ؟
How many people here actually bought the game?
Animal stores not having any animals anymore
Who's a character that grew on you over time?
Worst map added to ranked so far?
What would you call this country ?
Name this country, *sad version
What do you guys call this in english
Top comment removes a state, bottom comment makes a state immune
What do you think about وزارة المجاهدين؟
What was the greatest day of your life thus far ?