What is the Hardest Cuphead Boss for you?
This month will be the 3 year anniversary of the cuphead show!
When will Hello Kitty be Public Domain?
Give a list of every reference to the cease and desist letter
Video buffered at the wackiest frame XD
And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, The First Dr Seuss Book, will pass to public Domain until 2032 (i know, it's irrelevant, but i just want to tell it, because i found it funny)
The donkey model for shrek passed away at the age of 30
Next year we will get even more mickey mouse cartoons as well as betty boop in the public domain!
When does Wacky Races enter the public domain?
As of today, all the cartoons that were released in 1929 are now in the public domain!
Today is the last protected by copyright day of all 1929 Stuff!
What amiibos did you get for christmas?
The Dr seuss elephant is already Public domain
What was the first video you have watched on Youtube>
Where is the video with a zoom to one of miku's nostrills?
It's been 10 years Nintendo.
Favorite SSB4 Newcomer?
My first PVZ poll
A fully translated version of the pokemon design progress management doc for Sun & Moon (images provided)
Favorite game with at least one appearance of Pikmin?
Cody's Stolen Penny?
Jeffy's Cat Throw Up?
A dream I had about a new Mario game.
I just want to play in peace! I HATE DRIFTING!
Looks like the Ice Type Bears have the 6/31/2009 date as well