Oh my gosh I hate when fans do this to 2 characters.
What's something you personally would like to see added into the game?
What clothing items, worn by animated characters, do you wish you owned?
Who’s a cartoon character who you feel is really underrated and deserves more love?
favorite character that has the same name as you
What is a character you like voiced by a wholesome person for a voice actor?
List your favourite OST record of a Castlevania game (other than Symphony of the Night)
So, which three games are they then?
Character animations - Castlevania III - Revamped
Your favorite character is gonna get their wish granted to them by Calypso, how does the wish your favorite character makes get twisted? (NO TWISTED METAL CHARACTERS)
Alright, I get it!
What film are you going with?
Favorite character makes you react like this?
anyone else have this level of obsession with their favorite hazbin character 😔
Widow's Wine Concept for BO6
The Land Be-For Honor
Is there any cartoon slang/vernacular you started using?
I can't believe they tortured Mikey for years on Terminus Island
Favorite character who crashed out?
Which team would you choose to build the most futuristic civilization?
Another one, why not?
“If Trevor had a nickel for every time an Undead asked for his help to kill their Evil Necromancer Dad that keeps getting resurrected…”
What’s a cartoon character you’d want to see Blue Fangs call out on their bullshit like he did the Bishop of Gresit?
(War Thunder) Boeing B-29 Super Fortress nuke bomber
Help guys! What do I say?
What if Captain America unfroze and woke up in a world where the Nazis and Hydra won WW2? Assuming Steve Rogers isn’t as violent as B. J. Blazkowicz in the Wolfenstein games, how would you think Steve would handle the situation?