People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Familiarity (art by me)
Quick Ben art by Artist Jason Dement
Classic ‘Armored Core’ Games Come To PlayStation Plus Next Week
Trump: "By the way I broke into Los Angeles. I invaded Los Angeles. And we opened up the water and now the water is flowing down. They have so much water they don't know what to do"
I regret NOTHING
The time has come!!!!
Releasing artian weapons with the base game was a mistake...
A Battle RAGES Within Me
First game that comes to mind when you see this most iconic PlayStation splash screen?
Marvel Pedos get off the hook easier than DC Pedos, I guess.
I spent a little bit too much time on this shitpost so I decided to share it with the world
Militech armor and weapons from Cyberpunk 2077 might fit well in Helldivers 2
aiight man calm down now
Adam & RWBY [JustEden/Sherazmiina]
Spider-Man fans. Be normal about this. Rise above your base nature.
Rey Dau figured out that carting me wasn't enough
It would be cool if we had a mode with more nights.
Which bosses unexpectedly gave you the most trouble?
There seems to be a consensus that Victra is hot stuff. On the contrary, who is the hottest male character? Who do you fancy?
Thoughts on Fort Haight in Limveld? As well as potential for small "legacy dungeon" like areas.
By my own order... I added this scar after beating the final boss
Anni my second phase please.
Cops arresting Starbucks workers today at a strike in Chicago