[4 pics] MLP dragons part 4! I tapped into last year's pics for this one so we are getting close to the end of my submissions for a good while
I did a dragon version of an artwork by Nathan 'NC' Mares (not included in post)
I like how her happy expression turned out :3
MLP dragon AU 27/31: Lantern
[4 pics] MLP dragon AU. 1st pic from this year, the other from last year. I think I am improving. I am out of old pics worth sharing. See you soon!
Irradiated Thicket by localrodent was accepted!
Lo squalo
I think it looks better than advertised. No hard peanuts but it's ok
Head swap
Is this truly incorrect/unatural?
(f19) che teste di cazzo
Guardate cosa ho trovato sotto al banco, sto per piangere
I don't really know what to call it. But I made Gnocchi with Parmigiano Reggiano and Guancialie
I dont think people should follow religions.
Evolution disproves Original Sin
If salvation is achieved through Jesus Christ, and God is omniscient, it means he is willing creating millions of people just to suffer
Can I have a full list of Italian curse words that Italians actually use normally
Tremi la notte
Blursed War
Looks like avaritia is made to be hated! What's the buggy mod?
If everything has a cause, something must have created God.
Italian swear words?
Cm vi kiamate voi??? Io patata volante dela pianura padana........ 🤣🤣😆 Buon pranzo !!!
What is your xp right now? :)
O trovato qst vaso strano nella camera di mio nipote.......🤔🤔