Speaking of Britain and France, they also had non-aggression pacts with the Nazis
The real red-brown alliance
Fash: "We should have exterminated all chinese." - Leftoid: "I also hate the CCP"
Your accusations do not faze me, I've seen what makes you cheer.
To improve your sleep, lie under a weighted blanket
If you need to read a text, print it out, do not read off a screen
Hasan calls Adam Something a crypto-nazi because Adam made a video debunking Gravel Institutes video about USA funding the far right in Ukraine (Same video vaush made a segment on)
How would Reddit change if all Americans (meaning US not the continents) were kicked off?
What actually has the potential to end the world?
Its always like that
Immigration Raid BLOCKED By Neighbours In Glasgow
what is your biggest mistake in life ?
Why do you follow Elon Musk on Twitter?
People of reddit. What's your weirdest moment about the "Weaboo kid" in your class?
What is the perfect way to kill someone?
What do "essential oils" do exactly?
What is more delicious than Yogurt?
What does a woman look in a man?
How can a hedgehog receive legal accommodations from his employer?
People of Reddit, what is the most important part of a daily routine that drives your success?
If the subs you follow on reddit were public knowledge which would you have the hardest time explaining?
What do you think existed before the universe?