While my guitar gently weebs (Japanese Metal)
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
Been practicing in the car for a few months now
Chance is always there
speciaal < oorlog
Could this thing Vlad and Leblanc were discussing be Eclipse?
Meneer heeft een vreemd aanbod
I want more female rage songs
IMO boycott is the only solution now
Neighbor parks her car in front of our house daily. texted her Sunday about some landscaping we were having done this month. The landscapers had to ask her to move the car this morning and I got this.
Vervelende thuissituatie
Need better settings for crosshairs/aiming so I can better. Please help :/
What are these little plastic sleeves that fold out of the billfold in my wallet?
Grommen met het vuurwerk buiten
Screaming "under your breath?"
What is this lil guy?
Recommended Dutch series/movies
I went server hopping and repeatedly drew sans smoking a blunt
First joint in a month
Nog een andere kat op werk