Ranking my favorite fictional characters and comparing their worst deeds to my favorite Total Drama and Disventure Camp characters
Because I like being chaotic, I decided to rank my favorite Disventure Camp and other fictional pairings and compare how healthy they are
Who in tdi?
What character is this?
What are your personal MLP Hot Takes
What is your Total Drama fanfiction pet peeve?
Who is the best "nice girl" character? Who is your favorite?
What are the worst Disventure Camp theories out there
Give me your favorite DC ships!
What’s a show you have never seen and never want to see
The Fairly Oddparents A New Wish : Better Than The Original?
Ranking my favorite Fictional Ships from Healthy to Toxic
what is the worst theory about the show you have seen?
1st fan and creator of Prilia (Priya x Julia)
Does everyone agree?
Which fictional character would be able to see through S1 Fiore's act immediately (or at the very least, not until its too late)? (Pic related)
Which DC Character Do You Find Overrated?
What if Ezekiel was put on Team Amazon?
I can't be the only one 😭😭 I always plan such good fanfics, but get too lazy to start writing lol
Which one would you have preferred? A 26 episode season of the first season of the reboot, or what we got; two seasons of the reboot cast?
Ranking my favorite characters based on how good they’d be as romantic partners on an objective level(or at least attempting to)
If Total Drama ever did a second All Stars season, here is who I think they’d cast(Spoiler tag is for if I mention the second reboot season)
Is it bad that I ship Aletyler?
Dipper is still a great character, but he cheated using a time machine for an impossible crush. Mabel gets her pig because she was destined to in every timeline, and SHE's the selfish one!??!?!
Alternate finale ideas I had for Total Disventure All Stars
What’s a piece/lore from your favourite cartoon that you want to ignore and pretend that it doesn’t exist?