Overrated / Highly rated characters
Which DC Character Do You Find Overrated?
Venom Wants a Tastier Treat 🤤
My opinion on the Red Team in a nutshell
Hot take (?): I think Spencer's storyline doesn't need romance
What is the worst heartfelt moment in this show
As we all know, All-Stars had a lot of problems, but the switch to Weekly Episodes Was Not one of them or the reason for them.
Someone please explain Ally's character to me
He was Going to Light Someone's Ass Up 💀
Who is relevant but was boring?
New Animated Series: Calamity Island
Who Spencer will send over to Red Team (it's not Isabel)
I really don't like how the twist for the elim was revealed beforehand.
Not the Bagshots! 😭
Why Isabel is a Risky Choice
Who would you classify as the current main characters of Season 4's premerge? Here's mine:
Why Spencer Should...
We're 8 Episode In...
If...and I mean IF-
Red Team's Massive Mistake
A post episode 8 rant on Spencer and Jade.
If merge is at 10 contestants please let Lynda, Marissa and Zaid be the next ones
A time-traveler tells you that…
They really thought...