Why is self diagnosing so hated?
How much of a social expectation there is for you to forgive should be proportional to how much power you have and what you do with that power
have you heard about the Male Violence Epidemic?
Does anyone else feel like it’s sometimes hard to really know how you’re affected by Autism?
Guess my special interest???
Which of these color pairs look to have the opposite colors to you, and which form of color blindness do you have?
Why do people tend to think that if someone makes assumptions about others, and they’re wrong it means they’re projecting?
Would you date someone you first met irl?
I don’t plan on having children as I’m afraid I would accidentally pass down the trauma
Parental inflicted cptsd is actually insane if you think about it
The idea that ancient society was communist is definitely wrong.
This one’s for women planning on having children: You can either get pregnant or lay an egg
Perfect teeth makes people uglier
What if in contrast to being less aware of social cues some of us are more aware of some social cues?
Saying that you believe or like something or that someone else believes or likes something is a factual claim rather than an opinion
In countries that refer to themselves as communist does the government actually tend to try to redistribute wealth from the wealthy to the poor?
How do the color perceptions of Tritans map onto the color perceptions of people with normal color vision?
If humans were still decently intelligent thousands and thousands of years ago, why did we just recently get to where we are, technology wise?
If you ask me to rate something on a scale of 1 to 10 and I say I’m not really sure then you shouldn’t press me to give an exact answer
CMV: ALL states should require vaccinations or else your child can't attend public schools.
Why do I feel like I relate more to and communicate better with neurotypicals than to those historically diagnosed as low functioning autistics?
Being bothered by being told to be grateful or that others have it worse as a trauma response
How did first species know how to survive
Reincarnation is real, but you have a choice to make
Capitalism doesn’t really involve the least government interference