Green is underrated.
Everyone betrays Melli
The fact we almost lost peak on episode 3
What did you use your Masterball(s) on?
Now that icy's gone, she will propably tell the eliminated pepole about one, what do you think?
Comments give me recommendations
What is she surprised at?
What's your characters favorite line?
Squish Game
My absolute favorite mon(her name is Val)
"That act you did earlier was pretty Sigma if you say so myself."
Rocky losing his orange color in episodes 12 but How did his color got back in episodes 14?
Cake is the socially awkward one. Who is all the screen time, no plot relevance?
Tell me your favourite BFDI character…
What did pillow do or say? (Infactual responses required)
top comment decides his fate!
every comment or post that says needy in it will get commented/replied DON'T CALL ME NEEDY! (img unrelated)
Ask me anything and i'll respond as Two
What does BFDI stand for? (Wrong answers only)
Dear DeNA, we do not need more gacha in our gacha game, nobody asked you to bring this back
no way
I’m not okay…
You have to fight your favorite character, How screwed are you?