Last song you listened to??
How to make a sample volume bounce with a kick hit
What’s your favorite album? Mine would have to be the classic Superfuzz Bigmuff.
do you own your favorite piece?
Anyone know if the shirt earl has on here is golf and if so what shirt. If not has anybody found it online?
Anyone know what hat earl sweatshirt has on here?
What is your eye color?
Last song you heard + “in my ass”
Anyone know if these jerseys are tour merch only or if they'll be on the green day online store
Anyone know what this sweater in the mopop exibet is or where to find one or something similar
How much do you think my collection is worth?
Trying to get a comment from every U.S. County
What got you into punk rock?
Brooke Monk
Are concerts safe for teens
Legit check
Yo anyone know what hat this is
Is this legit?
Boys… what part of a girls body do u find most attractive???
Yo i know its not technically golf but is this legit OF gear?
What would you play
Camp Flog Gnaw Just Announced for 2024
Favourite 3-track run in DOOM's discog? Example: Sickfit-Rainbows-Curls
Help my ollie please 🙏