Thinking about a way my T phrased something. What could it mean?
How do you deal with guilt?
What do you do against flooding emotions?
upgraded after 9 years 😂
Am I the bad guy for talking about the group assessment process with another involved person? I was called an "exotic" and have been, in my opinion, treated unfairly. Am I just too sensitive?
From State Of Play.... THAT monster from the sixth trailer (i'm speechless)
2025 Monster Manual discussion
Are there more Monster books in the making?
Annotations show on original pdf?
Österreich - Backup Plan Psychologie Studium falls Aufnahmetest fehlschlägt?
Backup Plan Psychologie Studium Falls Aufnahmetest fehlschlägt?
Looking for fellow world builders / DMs
Basis für Papier Miniaturen gesucht.
T asked me to fill out a questionare with strengths/positives and what other stuff people commented what makes me unique. How can I stop overthinking this?
How does it play before level 3?
Is this to strong for a level 2 affliction, that is applied, when a monster critically hits a player?
Hey Mark, where do you get your art from your monsters? :D
Was your ADHD diagnosis positive or negative towards your life?
Will the Monsters be Update to 2024 rules?
CLion does not find file for reading purposes - what am I doing wrong?
So... how do i deal with not prepared for circumstances as a GM in online play?
Best map settings for big maps that does not slow the software down?
what styles do people on here sing?
Auf der Suche nach Online-Gruppe, in welcher ich GM und auch Spieler sein kann