Жирик прячется в испанском бункере во сне
Had a dream me and Vladimir Zhirinovsky were in a Spanish bunker and I was exercising for some reason.
I know that the intro should have better animation to attract the viewer, but this is too much.
I'm waiting for my KFC order
Coaxed into ww2 + germany = funny
Введите правило на запрет репостов!
Ботинки четкие
Wtf Reddit?
Coaxed into ransomware
виван флексит
If your country won Eurovision, in what city would the contest be held next year?
Знакомый букмекер на майке -_-
Professional advice
Топа пояснил за Драгонболл во сне у чела
Had a dream a few days ago where famous Russian youtuber Utopia Show made a video, where he proved, that anime Dragon Ball is fiction and it's events aren't related to real life (I've never even watched a single episode of this anime)
Thomas and friends own EPISODE
Low quality ass video fucking 10p bruh
Frutiger Aero ad i found (BaikalWestcom, Irkutsk, 2000s)
Hello SpongeBob and Patrick. Martn Yoker. Hero
[Help] What phoneme is this, and how do I pronounce it?
Is this funnier than the og
It's a bit annoying somehow, but it used to help me learn English
I had a dream of a Sabine Hossenfelder video where she tells she got a genetic mutation which allows her to feel the gender of the air she breathes, the thumbnail looked something like this