You can swap lives with an anime character. Who do you pick? I pick Rudeus. I want Roxy.
what anime surprised you the most when you first watched it
What’s a real life skill you learned from watching anime?
He’s so babygirl!! 💗
What do you think is this accurate 🤔
What's an anime you enjoyed but wouldn’t recommend to most people?
Her vs This trio, who wins?
Is JoJo Bizzare Adventure actually gay?
Why can't introverts live a normal life?
How it feels opening up any post on the sub to all the top comments being “Bla bla bla you’ll need Jichang Kwak,” (please release me).
Edgy anime?
Could Subaru Clear Current Lookism?
Who's your favorite gay/bi protagonist
Why are female anime characters so popular yet main anime characters are usually male?
Bros in another world?
It's crazy how much his character is dependent on the stitches. Without them, he's just...generic
Aot fans what is your fav "no way" moment, I'll start
Brekdak in manager kim
You can adopt one anime character who are you adopting? I'm adopting Anya
Who is your 2nd wife or husband?
Thoughts on Zom100?
Knowing what we know now, is Goo coming out of this scene alive?
What's yours ?
What's the hardest anime quote you've heard?
Who are you dating?