How often do you litter?
Male 18 , feeling way too good
Season 2's grand prize is going to be 15M$
How are we navigating Christ centered convos ?
Do you like this new poll layout?
What is your current relationship status?
Have you ever cheated on a partner? Whether you regret it or not
Have you ever stayed awake for 24 hours in a row or more?
Guy I like tells me he mostly sees me as just a sister in Christ.
I've never grown out my facial hair so I thought I would give it a shot this is 2 weeks no shaving. My wife wants me to keep it going but I'm not so sure about it. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Upward Dating
How to overcome the fear of being "single forever"?
Why am I all of a sudden getting very few likes on my Facebook post?
4 days of growth, would this be considered thick growth or thin?
Is Jalen already the best quarterback in Eagles history?
How would you feel about this?
Do you have friends you don’t know in real life on your Facebook friends list?
Titans apparently interested in Zach Wilson and Mac Jones
Biggest tache gap known to man. Cooked or should I wait it out?
Before vs after getting my ears lowered
After 38 hours, the YouTuber Normee just beat the world record for longest time standing still, despite people tagging him and police being called.
Parents, at what age did you have children start helping with household chores? Do you offer incentives or just establish the expectation for learning responsibilities?
how do i know if the guy i'm dating is God's will for me?
Been working on this for a while. Back to stubble or let the beard come through more?
20F, Georgia, USA