Where do i post this?
112 ________.
Let’s see the numbers
Let’s see if reddit can write breakup texts, one word at a time :D
Responded to themselves
We need ___________ to be banned.
You know what? Screw it. Don’t type ANYTHING and make autocorrect do the whole thing
They're not real it's just propaganda
You’re on Reddit now
Mysterious blue shell dodge
What is bro doing in our match
Why does r/______________ exist?
___________s are being banned as Little Timmy keeps choking on them.
Have less minigames in Super Mario Jamboree match
Say "im" and let autocomplete finish it.
Type in "I just ate 20,000 ___" and let auto-complete finish it
Type “I love” and let autocomplete finish it
Type "In my basement there are" and let autocomplete finish the sentence.
If you can remember, what were your starter villagers and what fruit did you had?
Say "i would crap on" and make autocorrect finish the sentence
Autocomplete the sentence: "A burglar took my"
I'm kinda cooked
Type "you are a" and let autocomplete finish.
Where were You when switch 2 was revealed