Finished my animation of the final clash in Ashura
Posible DNU del gobierno
Remember when Kuroki was the strongest character but top tiers could still put a good fight against him? Then Shen came along who is just fifty billion times stronger then every character combined. I love power creep.
If Kanoh survived this, does this means that he'd not be KO'd by stardrop?
With a newer, non-WF translation of the scene, I'm curious if public opinion on what happened here will shift
Villains who are sincerely fans of the heroes
Sandro you bastard
Where does the floor go on the pecking order?
Frauds - characters who aren't nearly as powerful as most people around them think.
What exactly does Shad get wrong (about swords and stuff?)
If you could discredit any type of feat so it's never relevant again, what would you choose?
character that were hyped up to be a big deal, but turn out to be a complete joke
How are mfs doing this shit without any power system they normal human beings 😭😭😭
Do monks have +1 weapon or item that gives them +1 in the unnamed attacks or that would be busted?
Kengan Omega Ch. 297 (Comikey)
So called Planetary Jedi when I ask them to beat 10 droids
You get a consequence free "death note"-like system, but you have to decide how many "slots" you want ahead of time.
Obvious fake-out deaths where you know they'll be back...except no, they actually are dead.
The king of monsters against the king of beasts kaido VS orochi
Homelander enters the world of Cyberpunk 2077, how far does he get?
This is why I can’t take a Sakura haters seriously. Sakura’s contribution in the war alone:
I'm literally incapable of the basics of working out
WIBTJ for not allowing my family to use my YouTube account that has Premium anymore?
Got hamstringed by the police