How can I see which lane I’m supposed to go to when I’m in game?
Fixing Razer Headphone wires
Don’t settle ladies! If he wanted to, he would!
i think my life will be over if the US government goes completely red
Where to start...
A Texas Woman Died After the Hospital Said It Would be a “Crime” to Intervene in Her Miscarriage
i feel guilty but i really hate my dog
When did you first get exposed to pornography?
Timeline cleanser
Second skin started to leak ink, should I just take it off or leave it?
She was so lucky... it should have been me!!!
Is elden ring actually better than God of war?
(PS4) Need help with Mohg LOB
(PS4) Need help with Malekith The Blade
Aitah for naming my baby something “unconventional”?
my ex husband almost killed my dog and blames me for our children hating him for it
(PS4) Need help beating Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
(PS4) need help with commander Neil at castle sol
Guess I'm a cheater
(PS4) Need help beating the Valyant Gargoyles
Pls help me get past the modernity “ick” of crescent city 🥴
I had NO Idea
Which is harder Elden ring or Bloodborne?
Lil Pump was surprised when people in Japan didn't recognise him