Excerpt from my essay: Love is a manipulation tactic
Guys I think Lucifer was the good guy.
I’m stuck with a gas station preroll 😭 what’s the most dankrupt u ever been?
Life on earth is evil
Ok guys it’s that time again: Funniest, scariest, most crazy “I was so high” stories
Full SR with no sexual stimulation will make your pp soft. It needs some stimulation.
Is life really worth living?
Lately I feel there's no point in being vulnerable.
Isn’t love a good thing? Why do people say they “fell in love?” Falling is generally not good.
We listen and we don’t judge – Stoner Edition. What’s your funniest or most relatable high story?
Whats your favorite strain?
How would you describe your life in one sentence?
Alright its time to answer the age old question: Blunts or joints?
How many times a week do you smoke/get high?
Happy Sunday Ents! Yall have a great day. Be kind to someone for no reason today!
Breakfast 😎
Never smoking Super Silver Haze again! Also, craziest strain you've tried?
Hardest thing you've had to accept on your healing journey?
In what ways do you deal with the social stigma of BP1 and BP2?
Stopped believing in religion and now I’m depressed
8 ways to refute celibacy, Know them, identify them and stop them. Remember, refuting even one of these is a refutation of celibacy.
Roast me until why pale ass is burnt
50 yr old want to work at strip club
High school friend’s dad is a pedophile