does anyone have a +10 Bors? I just wanna see if that currently exists. No other reason really; instant demote, non-focus, mediocre and relatively unpopular makes for an interesting combo
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.. Steam key Giveaway no.2!
Hungrybox karaoke
Soulsborne becoming this bastion of “anti-woke” to these people, despite the fact it has everything they consider “woke” is funny
We need more parents using child labour
Wake up babe, new lab technique just dropped
Is this Veyle lore? Two personalities trapped in a single body?
Pokelawls calls Asmongold a loser and racist
Politics? In my apolitical escapist games? Goddamn to hell the activists are at it again!
Ranking The Art Of The Heroes: Blacky the Cat
Which lance skill is better for timerra?
Leffen tryna be cool on twitter 😭
Thoughts on this Griss when he's added?
Hopes/Predictions before datamine tells us who will be part of “Radiant Dawn” HoF (HoF #63: Radiant Dawn’s fifth run)
Who's got the best art? (Beyond the Mirror)
GENESIS X2 - GRAND FINALS - 69% | Trif vs. Liquid | Hungrybox [L]
Griss: Indulging Pain artwork!
New Skills for N!Hawkeye
Beyond the Mirror full art
GENESIS X2 - Losers Semifinals - Liquid | Hungrybox vs. C9 | Mang0
GENESIS X2 - Winners Finals - 69% | Trif vs. LG | Wizzrobe
please 🙂
[QCAC] New Alt Art for "Called by the Grave" from @YuGiOh_OCG_INFO on Twitter
How is Yunaka attacking 4 times?
Zelestia is the first green flier demote in 6 years