Meanwhile in a parallel universe...
Is it okay to have sex in your teens if I and someone else consent
LW scared of facts as usual
I made cake.
Deep Seek won't answer stuff related to Taiwanband Tiananmen Square
Even reddit itself lies on that sub.
Pizza khaibaku tike echa hela
*Income Tax*
Himeno - CSM
the feminine urge to literally disappear off the face of the earth
Does liking boobs make me a lesbian?
Damn You guys do hate it here don’t you ?
Doc just fix my arm
That's something DEEP !
People who are not was the experience
VSCode in Chernobyl
Lookatmeee . Mee so angy an Indian uses Indian flag in his biooo... Indian man celebrates Republic day BoooHoo.. mee angyyyy... me will lead revolution in my basemeeent!!
jat regiment and sikh regiment will eat kanglus alive lol🤓😭🤣
One man's Lego is another man's pain
что требуют эти хакеры
Typical baboonery between my wife and I
Spread war not love