Law of Home Networks
Brave New World Explains Doom
A little off topic here
I’d love to see the tv show in the same/similar style of Arcane
VIDEO: Neil deGrasse Tyson addresses comments on SpaceX’s trip to Mars. "Has SpaceX Done Anything NASA Hasn't?"
Ashvar WIP
How long realistically do you guys think until we get people on Mars?
My girlfriend’s grandpa who recently passed away, what can you tell me about him?
Average conversation as a polytech student
Red Rising Lithophane of Darrow
Julian au Bellona Speculation
Confused a little (SPOILER)
Is there actually hope for a faithful TV/movie adaptation?
ISP tech left part of internet wire above ground, is that ok?
Will using a network switch half my internet speed?
These two images tell two very different stories
Is the rule of thirds applied in this painting?
Work in progress......
Collect PCAP files
I'd appreciate some comments
Accidentially brought my work laptop
Tipping point...? This tweet is really bad.
This is how I imagine Darrow in the ashvar
Oh you seem sad, wanna feel even worse?