Can we have a completely separate Is it fake subreddit
Gibson direct
Watching Ghostbusters 2 makes me wonder just how bad was the Titanic’s collision with the iceberg in this movie’s universe…
Which Peavey Bandit SOUNDS the best for metal?
SG player here- How big of a difference is the Slim Taper vs Rounded C on the Deluxe?
Legit check on this ES335?
Would you consider this cheating?
1976 LP Custom. Real or Fake?
What's the best way to dial this in for metal tones on an Amp that already has a lot of gain? Also how does Level work exactly?
What's the best album if you're trying to get into Priest?
What's a good album to start on if you're trying to get into Maiden?
Since there is no in universe explanation, what is your head cannon for why James wears a military style jacket
Just traded in my MKII for a Gen 3 Artist and my mind is blown
Is the Artist loud enough for a metal band? Or would you guys get the regular katana 2x12?
If you could rename this album to anything other than “Metallica” or “The Black Album”. What would you choose to name it?
My First Pedal ever.
What's the most "mid" Metallica song?
I need help deciding which to buy.
Guys how are you supposed to use the Tube Dynamics 😭
You heard him
I drew a black Alblum-era James using nothing but Microsoft Paint.
I can't seem to get a lot of Gain out of my Transtube and it seems very muffled. Am I doing something wrong?
I need your last saved images. No questions asked.
I put the 500T/496R set in my SG!
NAD! Peavey Bandit Red Stripe 2x12