How did Jesus’ baptism contribute to the fulfillment of all righteousness?
C. S. Lewis had trouble distinguishing between an algebraic variable and a constant
What was wrong with C.S. Lewis's argument that Jesus had to be either Lord, liar, or lunatic?
"What does Proverbs 3:5-6 mean in practical terms?"
What was the cockatrice in Is 14:29?
3D Walkthrough of the Second Temple in Jerusalem
Will the rich young ruler inherit eternal life?
Was it unusual for a woman (Mary) to sit at Jesus' feet?
Did Paul observe the Sabbath?
On the third day, he will raise US up
Smoking and the temple of God
Did Judas partake in the bread and the wine at the last supper?
Why does some sexual relations in the Bible lead to death and others being cut off?
Was Jesus afraid in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Jesus said: Surely I am coming soon. Really?
Blessed are the poor vs poor in spirit
Why did God create humans?
Demon oppression vs possession
Why did God described David as “a man after his own heart”?
Why was Jesus upset with the Pharisees who were asking for a sign?
Why was the Hebrew word for 'fish' in Jonah 1:17 different from the one in the next verse?
When Thomas said, "My Lord and my God", did he address both the Son and the Father?
Why Does Acts End So Abruptly?