I'm getting greedy
How difficult is sumitting a 8000+
Rosanna watched Trish cry about the situation and decides to like a shady tweet about it
This woman is UNHINGED. I’m here for it.
When the title changed from Justin Bieber to a Hasan thumbnail
Who would purchase this if they actually released something like these? Is this what the people want?
parasocial weird behavior
Ebay and Drews celebrity friends
new house lukewarm take
the elephant in the subreddit
Do you guys like Orion's poetry?
The white house fired 1,000 employees from NPS this week (but is allowing 5k seasonal hires). What positions were actually terminated?
Fashion 101 | Assignment 1: Jean journey: pls review lmao
I struggle with identifying as female due to my hatred of my reproductive system.
Any black fans?
This is gonna make me sound like such a tweaker but this episode randomly makes me feel anxious
Biggest Hasan red flag was when he acted like he was WAY too good for frozen pizza.
Old gay jokes in my notes app …
How do people feel about the new wave of hyper sexualization within the slushy noobz community?
what team are you on?
Love Ethans energy, calling lud out
who is driving this damn bus
Alexis Apology to Ethan