I'll contribute to the weird hands posts. My veins will flare up at random intervals and bulge a little bit.
I made a boat out of a kit kat wrapper
I can't escape it...
The sillies being cute!! (@khyleri on twitter)
First Playthrough Impression: COMPLETED ACT 1. I'M DISTRAUGHT (Lengthy Mc/Sayori analysis)
Looking for something that was posted recently
Literally 1684
Yikes... Fwy does NOT like the post below this one. What are they so peeved about?
My favorite two pages of vol. 3
YouTube changed the UI for replies on mobile
Uhhh... Gary?
My first impression of my first playthrough of DDLC!!
[OC] I drew Charlie for a friend's bday!
I tried drawing Natsuki on my laptop w/ a stylus
I just thought I'd share this here...
[WP] A person realizes that they've been subconsciously altering the reality around them their entire life. Horrified at this revelation, they turn to their best friend (who's already known this information beforehand, unbeknownst to them).
What happened to the handbook on mobile?
Cofi: Cringe, or coping mechanism?
I am so disappointed in myself.
I Finally Reached Lvl. 500... WITHOUT EVER ASCENDING
My Cookie Clicker Mobile progress reset for no reason
What's an ordinary event that happened to you which changed the course of your life forever?
What's the "ideal" version of yourself that you wish you could be?