Fastest you can finish a accelerated bachelor's degree?
Is it possible to do all the classes not highlighted in pink in 25 days?
First Session at UMPI
Say something positive about this game
Eng Comp 1 fuuuu
Operations Management
Has there been a character who was your favorite as a kid/growing up, and now you don’t like them as much anymore? Mine was Raiden, now I’m a Johnny Fan.
You’re favorite character is banished from ever existing. Who got banished, and who would be your new favorite?
What about a remaster of Deception?
Macroeconomics 😩
Finished! 💙🎉
Coping with ADHD and balancing with academic studies
Please help. Need to finish survey for Bus:261
Study moves to Open Book Non-Proctored Exams!
I am confused with the final assessment of BUS 469
5 Common Misconceptions
Spanish I Oral TS
19 y/o, what should I do before I apply?
I switched up from Management to political science as my minor … I hope this was the move.:. Has anyone else done the same
I have no idea how college works.
Sophia GEC recommendations
Has anyone got a BBA in Project Management and Information systems, or a BA or BBA in accounting?