As far back as I can remember, both my parents (born in the 1920s) and many of their siblings and friends wore dentures (or ‘false teeth’). Did the older people in your family wear dentures when you were growing up?
Pierce Brosnan being Pierce Brosnan
In 1992 and 1996, billionaire businessman and centrist Ross Perot ran for US President as an independent. He fared reasonably well in the elections, especially in ‘92. Were you or anyone you know a supporter?
It was sunny in London today. Every time I go outside and it’s nice, my brain says…
Finally got my original LtK poster framed
Did you have one of these things in your house when you were growing up? Did your family call it a “footstool” or an “ottoman” (or something else)?
Did you or someone you know have a rat-tail?
The Palm Pilot was launched in 1996. These were crazy popular, especially amongst white collar managers.
“She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean…”, AC/DC’s ‘Back In Black’ (1980). Absolutely killer album. Did/do you own it?
Any good JB books to pick up
Who had the best innuendos as Bond...
Second Tier Bond Girls Elimination Game Day 5: Countess Lisl von Schlaf is taken out by a rogue dune buggy, pick the next to eliminate!
Do you still have your old high school / college yearbooks? Do you look at them very often?
“Heard it from a friend who, who heard it from a friend who, heard it from another you been messin’ around…”, REO Speedwagon’s ‘Hi Infidelity’. Did/do you own this album?
I can't not do this
Anyone else recall playing Lawn Darts (or ‘Jarts’)?
Band name for a deathcore/metalcore group who really love their mums.
“Right turn, Clyde”. ‘Every Which Way But Loose’, 1978
“In my mind and in my car / We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far…”, The Buggles, ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’, 1980
“No I don’t listen to their wasted lines / got my eyes wide open and I see the signs / ‘cause they don’t know about us / and they’ve never heard of love…”, Tracey Ullman, ‘They Don’t Know’, 1983.
My family used to play Mastermind a lot back in the 70s and 80s. I’m sure my parents liked it mainly because it was quiet and didn’t require batteries.
If you actually were from the 1970s, then you must remember the 1974 film, "Bad Ronald". It is, by far, one of the creepiest and strangest Made-For-TV films ever made. Unfortunately, the film has been practically forgotten. I doubt that the film would be made today because of its subject matter.
My dudes and dudettes, the Johnson Smith novelty catalog was a must have. My best friend and I ordered a pair of "x-ray" glasses so we could look thru girls clothes. The glasses were a cheap plastic frame with two paper pictures glued to the lenses. Didn't stop us from ordering more stuff though
There was a time when you could find comic book spinner racks in many stores and even service stations. I’d park myself there while my parents shopped.
‘Spiders and Snakes’, Jim Stafford, 1974. When I was a kid I thought this was the greatest song ever. Still do.