What is your hot take, will have you like this?
WB games Vs. Ubisoft. For worst game Developer. Round 1. Fight!
Which game is like this for you?
Does Warner Brother’s Games future look grim?
So why isn’t this game getting more praise?
Wow. That has to be a record.
So at this point. Should I not get my hopes up for The Division 3?
What singleplayer games do you always end up replaying over and over
Is it me? Or are you getting the same vibes?
Which title you grabbing?
Really PlayStation?
Name a scene that made you break.
Possible release in Oct or Nov, and perhaps beyond that. Does anyone else share my pain?
Who would you guys cast as Johnny Silverhand in a Cyberpunk Movie
My pro Far Cry 5 Gameplay….. 🫠
Which series do you think is better?
Loved The Witcher 3. Is Cyberpunk worth it, then?
Idk. You trust WB?
Are we seeing the final days of these two?
Enough time has passed.
Maybe we judged one game to harshly?
What’s a gaming Pet Peeve you have?
What RPG was it like this for you?
When is the release for this game dropping? Best guess.
I need a rumor cleared up.