Who to take
looks great in my husbands office!
We all have bad games man
Which one is better
Why do many players hate when their teammate pick ROCKET? They say in the chat 'We're cooked, Please switch'. Do yall think Rocket is a bad healer?
It's OK Struggler, I forgive you. I was betrayed by my friend too.
Rindo colouring I made
Do yourself a favor and turn off text chat.
If Hunter's range got reduced, would it be a buff or a nerf?
It arrived wonderfully, I love it
The next 20 characters added should be strategist or vanguard's only.
You people are going to ruin this game like you have ruined every other game and it’s getting old.
Who to choose?
Someone taught my dad brain rot slang
Am I underleveled or is he just so overleveled
I coloured musashi again (ch 190)
Is she any good and/or worth the investment. On Act 6 Chapter 4
Is this possible ? Is he cheating ?
I gave the PLAMATEA Guts kit a new paint job and base!
which one do you prefer?
Got an $80 “snow removal” bill from the city…
Y’all got women on here but will complain bout this like we aint all berkers
Pls explain
What does my collection say about me, Am I on a good start?
Heed my words Fasting Strugglers, struggle, endure, contend... and Ramadan Mubarak to all of you!" Hope everyone has a Happy Ramadan.