Unsure how to handle reporting a change of address to SSA
Disabled Crocheters - Tips to make your hands not hurt?
i think about wanting a wheelchair every day but i feel like i don’t struggle enough for one
happy happy happy
Hospital doesn't have wheelchair accessible bathrooms for in-patients
Oklahoma GOP advances bill letting Christian doctors deny services to patients.
Denied Medication While Hospitalized
I hate that Eugenics is making a comeback…and I wish to god that this madness would just stop. I am sick and tired of this.
If You're Disabled and Voted For Trump, Tell Us Why?
My mom’s friend owns a dairy farm and gifted a bit of cheese to her.
tracked my boyfriend's hot sauce consumption over the course of 13 days
[Homemade] A hamburger
Is it okay that I just want to sit and do nothing at home all the time?
what would you tell your self before you became a realtor?
I held my friend’s baby and I was so fascinated by that little boy. Life is truly amazing. Making a baby is truly an amazing thing holy shit.
Any other introverts with social anxiety... how are you all hanging in?! Any tips or tricks you find works?
Anyone who got approved for disability quickly?
Just got fired due to disability.
Best Buddies Just Made a Horrendous Decision for Inclusion
Terrified to spend money since becoming disabled.
Stickers on my powerchair
I had a meltdown because I couldn’t get my vape pen to work lol
What's something you wish more people knew about having disability?
Rock Bottom as a slur
Call your senators and tell them to vote NO on the new budget outline NOW!