Top 5 worst boss in this game
Worst final boss oat
What souls game are you playing this weekend .
I did it guys !
Should i buy it??
Rakuyo is definitely the best sword for PvP in this game
Is father Gascoigne the best first boss of Soulsborne?
Ng+ >DLC like this managable?
How to obtain item to use kos parasite?
What's your favorite boss arena?
Just an update (not really gore)
1ª tentativa de bolinho de chuva 😰
Bloodborne monster line art by me.
Atirar cavalos com os dentes
Eu sem entender porra nenhuma:
Picked up my dream collection! Friend was unloading his collection, which is a ton of UCS sets and other retired Star Wars sets. Son and I are over the moon excited to build these!
o que você escolhe e quem vai fazer o gol do título?
Blursed_monkey town
breaking chad
cold 🥶
He got a vibrator stuck up inside him
falta de maturidade ao rir disso