How did everyone's cell Summons go
Take a meme, leave a meme
Fire forfeit screen
Am I a bad person
What are some of y'all's best forfeit screens?
Getting a weird bug
Who’s the 1 unit you wish you pulled in 2024?
Is this a good team
Year is about to end. How many Ultras did you guys pull this year?
Criticize my base
Anyone want to be friends?💕✨
Some ff screens
What was the greatest shaft you ever had 🙃
Give me y’all’s fav regular sparking units and why!
Is this a good Saiyansaga team
What game do you consider a horror game? That’s not a horror game?
Beat this Forfeit screen
Some more ff screens I got
hand em over buckaroos
Do say howdy!
best caption wins
All hail Saiyan saga team
Some of my favorite ff