Layers of Fear, Andrzej Dybowski, Digital, 2017
Family member likes to keep old coffee pods to reuse, but then never reuses them
What country would you want the next disney princess to be from or inspired by?
Vote for the prettiest princess 🩷
Hug, Checksy, acrylic, 2024
How old do you think is my kitten?
Why are the Roscoe hosts Naysha and Batty so hateful towards Joella? Last week they we're so toxic and they're shading her once again this week. The top comment:
Oh my god, kandy 🤣
The munchies took over so I had a slice before I took the photo
Why do they even bother?
if looks could kill
Thank you Howard Shore for bringing middle earth to life with an incredible score
Mom's old school cool hairstyle that only she could pull off (1982)
Family member says my eyebrows make me look angry and may be too thick, what should I change?
Imagine dealing with this at the end of a long flight
Family member says eyebrow shape and thickness makes me look angry, recommends I thin them. Advice much appreciated :)
"yo I just bit the neighbor, open up"
AITA for not locking the door while my housemate was in the shower?
Shameless mom stole the spotlight at her daughter's birthday party
opinion/question: people feel too much animosity towards kandy muse, don't they?
AITA for asking a restaurant to make a meal that "wasn't on the menu"???
Away we go!
That’s a lot of dicks
AITA for purchasing my guy friend his dream birthday present and "outshining" his girlfriend in the process?
Denali apologises for "Nogueing"