Coworker thought my mug warmer was a charger
What name would you give it?
Wound Care? 6 weeks post op
We doing golden belly??
Wife's NBD
Oxycodone and face swelling
Pool heater install gut check please…
Wife spotted this in the neighborhood, worth rescuing?
Getting asked if I am male after turning 40
Electric Smoker - Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast [Advice Needed]
2 months: scar is not ok and painful
Should I consider surgery?
Smoked chicken thighs in al pastor marinade (for tacos, burritos, etc)
Just had my operation,
Not bad brisket for a pellet
Walked in for the meme pliers
4 Weeks Post Op!
Today's haul: no. 10 sbl Griswold, no. 9 Erie and Wagner National, no. 8 Wapak, Griswold Victor and O'Brien and O'Brien, no. 7 Wapak, no. 6 "Wagner" and no. 3 hinged sbl Griswold and Wapak Indian
6 days post op
1/2 Bunion and bunionette removal surgery
Question about pain meds, need advice.
What am I doing wrong?
Busted Water Filter
My neighbour was saying he can't pay his water bill.