Trampoline parks
Royal Court High Tea OR Bibbidy Boppity Boutique?
She's more of a Christian than Mike here.
MMW: As his actions become more & more extreme, MAGA will slowly turn against Orange over these next 4 years, but will try to save face by saying “he’s still better than Harris would’ve been”
Are their any Toy Story characters to meet on Fantasy? Or any ship?
'I Am Not Going to Apologize': Bishop Who Confronted Trump Speaks Out
Trump's Costly Priorities...
Completely normal response to the most soft spoken person I ever seen asking him to have mercy on human beings
How many roles do performers have?
With $350k worth of assets in Fidelity, am I entitled to any perks or benefits?
Whose death in the books affect you the most? For me it was Sirius Black.
There is no more question. This is what the Trumpers have voted for. What are you going to do? Will you stand against this as your oath to the IBEW states? They are going to come for us. Are you with Trump and Elon, or your brothers and sisters?
Is wanting to be a parent wrong?
"It was a Nazi salute": Historian dismisses claim that Musk's raised arm was mere "awkward gesture"
What are your thoughts the "transgender and nonbinary people don’t exist" executive order?
I finally dreamed of him and it wasn't what I expected
I love how anti-Trump this sub is right now
Dating .. how does that work?
Why is year 2 harder?
feeling a deep sense of hopelessness. inaugurating a rapist and racist on MLK day is the biggest fuck you to the people of the united states.
Elon Musk draws outrage over 'odd-looking salute' at Trump inauguration celebration
Anti-Dave Ramsey money tips
Survey: what is your daily drive and how much do you make per year?
Why is Tik Tok thanking someone who isn't President yet? Why is there so much misinformation and propaganda being spread so rapidly?
Anyone else not ever use TikTok whatsoever?