2 days left!
Time Zones?
My iPhone is telling people my notifications are silenced when they are not.
Entering Social Work
CD 29 / 12 DPO / pregmate progression. Do pregmates suck at progression.
14 DPO or 15 DPO First Response, Easy@Home, Accumed, Pregmate
/ttcafterloss Weekly Results and Limbo Thread
Daily Discussion Thread # 1 - June 09, 2021
So . . . this is another CP, right? 9 DPO - 18 DPO (today)
Daily Thread #2 - June 02, 2021
Weekly Introductions Thread - May 30, 2021
Daily Thread #2 - June 01, 2021
/ttcafterloss Daily Discussion Thread #2 - - April 04, 2021
Daily Thread #2 - April 02, 2021
Line progression getting lighter at 15 DPO
Weekly Introductions Thread - March 28, 2021
Tell me you’re pregnant without telling me you’re pregnant...I’ll go first...
Faint positive after previous miscarriage: how do I stop being nervous?
Introduction and Daily Picture Thread
What are your favorite drinks while pregnant?
Fetal heart rate
Weekly Ultrasound and Announcement Thread - October 28, 2020
Introduction and Daily Bump Picture Thread - October 30, 2020
Pregnancy acne?
Easily Flustered... constantly feel overwhelmed. How do you deal?!