Piercing shot is incredably buggy
Whats the best stagger route for plague monks?
Is there any mod restriction in V1?
Rajang blaster build?
Strengths of Pyromancer vs Battle Wizard
Vermintide 2 - Best Horde Clear Sienna Build?
Why is R spam to fire faster still a thing?
Bounty Hunter: Steel Crescendo + Crossbow
How does Opportunist affect stagger cleave?
Is Evade Window gonna be meta for DB?
So Grenadier is no longer working with Trollhammer?
trying to get the "Virtuoso" achievement but i need to keep the long ear at level 1
Swift slaying + Barrage always ?
Can anyone help me understand why Shadow Blade is good?
Weekly Q&A and Featured Links Thread - February 02, 2025
Is it even worth trying to get rid of Raging Brachy's red slime?
Heldenhammer time
I don't have the dlcs for the other weapons yet. But i wanna play slayer. Whats a good replacement gor dual hammers and throwing axe? (1H or 2H)
Anyone know how to make the glow effect stronger?
Are the Karak Azgaraz missions in 2 the same as in first game?
Attack Boost Question.
Ranger Vs armour problem?
Weekly Q&A and Featured Links Thread - January 12, 2025
MHW:IB Kjarr Crusher HH compared to Velk and Guild options?