What can we all agree is the single best thing in the world?
"Guys literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting." What is that 'one thing'?
Jorge Jesus staring at Vincenzo Montella after the 4th goal:
what is that?
What is something that tastes good both hot and cold?
Name the Show
I'm being serious, does this card not need a nerf?
This sped up ab workout video
You're welcome
What are the pros of having a small dick?
Hard work
i always wanted to buy a dot
The problem with MK is the same problem Supercell had with Elixir Pump
Cooking a steak with lava
Best shooter in the league
Unpopular opinion: The “Nerf Miner” meme isn’t funny.
Chemistry class is interesting
What's an inappropriate song for a funeral?
I'm batman
What is the least sexy name ever?
What do you find sexy?
Aziz Yıldırım and Ali Koç's last 3 TD
Why did you stop smoking?