What’s the most ridiculous “alpha male” advice you’ve ever heard?
How do you bear with women, especially mean ones?
How can I better explain to my man not to warn us about the dangers of men?
How do I help someone who won’t ask for/accept help?
What’s a struggle you don’t think women fully understand about being a man?
Those of you who have been hit on by women, what was it like?
What’s one thing you wish women knew about men?
“Pick your hero, or villain. I’m not judging” Meanwhile the said heroes and villains:
Is it ok to not have sex on the first date when casually dating?
Is it a good thing to be a golden retriever bf
Would women date a guy who has a low paying job?
Need help plz
Do men usually send pictures of the food to the woman they're dating (picture of the food that she cooked and sent him home)? Any reason for that?
What advice would you give your sister/daughter in this situation?
I feel horrible and have no idea what to do...
Mirrored Glances After Class: Coincidence or a Silent Signal?
Asking the dudes, how do y’all handle this?
How do I have a crush?
If she’s gorgeous, seems to have it all together, and still single. What’s your theory?
Guys, do you prefer high maintenance women?
Woman here. I just had the weirdest thought and want to know about your beards. How many of you miss your no-beard days of youth?
i’m confused
how could a man know he'd been SA'd?
How do I stop over sharing?